Law Offices Of Daniel D. Nawara, P.A.

Personal Injury

No Recovery No Fee

Suffering a personal injury at the hands of a negligent driver is costly, painful, traumatic and a serious disruption in your life. You’re thrown out of work and incurring significant medical expenses. Who is going to pay those bills, and who is going to run the household while you are laid up? Florida personal injury law allows you to recover significant compensation from the negligent driver who hit you, but they don’t make it easy. It’s your job as the injured victim to bring a claim against the negligent driver and prove their negligence and liability to you. Meanwhile, the at-fault driver and their insurance company fight back and deny their liability; instead, they blame you for causing the accident or dispute how much you were really injured. How do you deal with insurance company professionals who do nothing but manage injury claims all day, with the goal of paying out as little as they can?